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Richard Cottrell's blog

Anschluss Now! Angela Merkel, the EU and the Greater German Co-Prosperity Sphere

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

Lenin once reportedly said: “Never waste a good crisis.”

It is apparently famous advice that Frau Angela Merkel, the German Federal Chancellor, has taken firmly to heart. Well, up to a point, because Frau Merkel has got one step further than Lenin , or whoever the eponymous owner of the well-worn quotation might have been. She is building a crisis out of a crisis.

The Italian coup d’état; now can you smell the rat?

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

There was an election in Spain this weekend which, if there were any sense to recent events in Europe, should not be happening. Right now Spaniards should listening to the newscasts and reading in their papers explaining why the election had been cancelled on the orders of the EU, Goldman Sachs, the European Central Bank, the Bilderberg Club and the Trilateral Commission.

The Spanish economy is truly right up the Orinoco.

Smash and grab: Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission snatch Greece and Italy

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

By Richard Cottrell

Contributing writer for End the Lie

Posted at EndTheLIe Nov. 11, 2011 -- 11/11/11

Events in Greece and Italy are truly momentous. They represent a glorious triumph for the New World Order, which is now free to trample democracy wherever and whenever the mandarins who now rule over us feel like it.

Cameron’s Slave Shops: All Work, No Pay

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

I have been warning anyone who will listen for quite some time that David Cameron’s Britain is rapidly evolving into a first class proto-fascist state.

When the general election in 2010 left the Conservatives short of a clear majority, they turned to the centrist Liberal Democrats to form a government. There was talk of humiliation, the podgy chinless wonder Cameron having failed to ‘pull it off’, forced to haggle terms and so forth. It was baloney then and it is baloney now.

Democracy in Southern Europe: Out for the count

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

How fast things are moving.

In Italy, the new techno-premier installed by the EU, the Trilateralists and the Bilderberg Club, has just effectively suspended parliamentary democracy.

There are no civilian ministers in prime minister Mario Monti’s government. All ministerial posts are in the hands of technocrats, soldiers and diplomats. MP’s have been told they can sit in the wings for the next two years while the new prime minister goes around restoring order.

The Kurds Are Turkey’s Palestinians

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

The American Government is trapped between a rock and a very hard place trying to understand the motives and mood of the resurgent Ottoman Empire.

Darth Cameron and The Austerity Death Star

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

Last year I wrote a cautionary blog in this spot entitled ‘ A Tory Blair – A Word In Your Ear About David Cameron. I suggested he was a carbon copy of the former nominally Labour premier who went to Downing Street virtually penniless and emerged a millionaire.

Oslo: Down to the New World Order

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

The bloodbath in Oslo is nothing less than a brutal exercise in regime change. The Norwegians are out of line across a whole range of US/NATO policies which are not limited to driving the Palestinian recognition issue in the UN and pulling the plug on Libya. Anyone who knows Norway understands these tough-minded and often prickly folk are dedicated foremost to minding their own business, which is one reason they have sensibly refused to climb on the bed of nails called the EU.

Short Story: A Strange Tale Of Two Earls

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

In the notorious parlance of the British upper crust, was he cad, bounder or rotter? Or the British Führer in waiting? Which appellation might best suit the 7th Earl of Lucan, one Richard Bingham, who disappeared on the night of 8th November 1974, leaving his battered wife and the mangled body of the family maidservant in the blood-spattered basement of the family home in London’s posh Belgravia. The legendary vanishing trick of Lord Lucan, never again seen in mortal form since that fatal night, is the veritable Bigfoot of British crime annals.

Why There Is Always A ‘P’ In Italy

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

Way back in 1981 a secret state cabal called Propaganda Due, packed with the great and the good from all walks of neo-rightist, neo-fascist life, was dragged kicking and screaming into daylight by the scruff of its conspiratorial neck.

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