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Richard Cottrell's blog

Boston Bombing Brings Big Brother Big Bang for the Buck

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

This will be - roughly - the line that I'll be taking re Boston.

LIHOP in Libya -- Useful Idiots and Media Bloodlust as US Consul Sacrificed to Stoke Islamophobia

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

 I have some advice for Mr Obama. If he truly wishes to find the authors of the attack which killed the Libyan ambassador Mr Christopher Stephens, then look no further than Langley Virginia, where he will also find the headquarters of the CIA.

The Libyan affair bears all the hallmarks of 'just let it happen' as beloved of the spy trade. It was the classic weapon of NATO's 'years of lead' throughout Europe in the 1970's and 80's. Intercept a plot for some dastardly deed, then look the other way. The blame can then be twisted for political motives.

Erdogan's Green Fascism: The New Sultan Flexes His Muscles

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

The Turkish daily Zaman has just published a very important commentary by Mumtazar Turkone which appears to suggest that the country's soft Islamic ruling power is not quite all that it seems. For a start, anything but 'soft'. In fact more like a perpetually ruling caste in the making, whose pretences towards Islamic justice and values may not be all they seem to the surface.

An American Breivik: terror expert says Aurora shootings "in the same line as Norwegian mass killer"

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

An American Breivik: terror expert says Aurora shootings "in the same line as Norwegian mass killer"

The mass shooting at the screening of the new Batman movie 'Dark Knight Rising' at a theatre in Aurora, Colorado, stands in line with a similar mass murder event in Norway last June, according to the author of a new book on politically-inspired terrorism.

Apocalypse Now. Lie follows lie in Afghan massacre: this was Nazi style genocide.

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

Robert Bales comes straight from the central casting book of stooges. Brains addled and cooked by three duty tours in Afghanistan, high as a kite on drugs, up to his neck in debt and fraud, serial groper, everything it seems but daylight bank robbery. What is he doing one ventures to ask in the US army dedicated to bring peace and enlightenment to the primitive peoples of Afghanistan, trapped in their Islamic darkness?

What’s next in Greece: the return of Operation Gladio?

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

Just as I predicted, the leaders of the two main political forces in Greece – New Democracy on the Right and Pasok on the Left – are meeting quietly in the proverbial smoke filled rooms to stitch up the forthcoming elections, presently scheduled for some still unknown date in April.

I have explained countless times that the self-interested political castes – which center on two family clans, the Papandreou socialist faction and the Karamanlis conservatives – have between them thoroughly misruled Greece since the fascist junta collapsed back in 1974.

Gladio Mark Two is behind the Greek violence

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

If you really believe that anarchists and thugs of such-like persuasion are responsible for the violence and rage currently tearing Greece apart, then think again. What is going on right now is orchestrated, synthetic violence stirred up by state agents in order to paint opponents of the austerity regime as little more than uncivilized, mindless morons.

Bilderberg’s Roman Circus: Italian junta effectively outlaws cash

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

When Bilderberg Man Mario Monti promoted himself to regent of Italy coming up to three weeks ago, the air was thick with valkyries warning that should the great witch doctor fail to square the books pretty damn quick, then not only would Italy go down the chute, but she would take with her the Euro and the entire apparatus of the European Union.

Bilderberg leaves rehab, cleared to rule the world

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

"Here we are, born to be kings
We're the princes of the universe."

- Freddie Mercury

One of the world's most secretive societies is emerging from the closet, blinking and shrinking at the harsh light of day, like Dracula suddenly deciding it might be safe after all to emerge from his cool dank vault at sunrise.

Bombs Away: explode a nuke in Israel, then blame it on the Iranians?

Author bio: 
Richard Cottrell

If an attack on Iran is to carry traction with world public opinion, there must be definite proofs that she really does intend to expunge Israel from the face of the earth. A nuclear weapon exploding somewhere inside Israel in the next few months, allegedly fired by the Iranians, would appear to supply all the necessary grounds for massive retaliation.

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